Craig Berger

About Craig Berger

Founder & CEO of Avid Realty Partners. Craig has been an active real estate investor for nearly 20 years, and founded Avid Realty Partners in 2015 to deploy capital across Multifamily Apartment and other real estate assets. Avid Realty Partners’ portfolio includes the acquisition of more than 2,000 apartment and hotel doors in targeted growth markets across the US totaling over $275M of acquisition value. The firm has zero realized losses with a 33.0% IRR (weighted average) across six exited deals.

Investors’ Guide to Navigating Higher Rates: Understanding the Fed’s Inaction

Ever had the feeling of anticipation when waiting for an important announcement? It's like being a kid again, waiting for your grades to be posted. That's how the world [...]

2023-07-04T08:59:20-04:00By |0 Comments

Selecting the Right Commercial Real Estate Investment Firm

Today's savvy investor knows they must invest their money wisely, invest conscientiously and choose a project that maximizes wealth. Investing in commercial real estate is one way to maximize wealth [...]

2023-03-17T16:36:46-04:00By |0 Comments
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